Justin Sun Hack - AdNade.net
Finance Society

Over $100 Million Compromised in Hack of Justin Sun’s Poloniex Crypto Exchange

In a significant breach of cybersecurity, Poloniex, a cryptocurrency exchange founded by Tron’s Justin Sun, experienced a hack resulting in a substantial financial loss. This incident has raised concerns in the digital asset community and highlights the ongoing challenges faced in securing crypto exchanges.

Details of the Hack

  • Amount Stolen: Over $100 million was reportedly stolen from Poloniex. Initial reports suggest that the figure might be as high as $117 to $125 million.
  • Discovery: The hack was identified and brought to light by crypto security firms PeckShield and Cyvers around 10:55 UTC.
  • Response by Justin Sun: Justin Sun, the founder of Tron (TRX) and an investor in Poloniex, confirmed the breach. In response, he has offered a 5% “white hat” bounty to the hacker. This kind of bounty is typically offered as an incentive for the hacker to return the stolen assets without facing legal consequences.

Implications and Actions

  • Reimbursement Promise: Sun assured that the exchange would reimburse affected users, indicating a commitment to mitigating the impact on Poloniex’s customers.
  • Bounty Offer: The 5% bounty offered to the hacker is contingent upon the return of the stolen assets to the wallets from which they were taken. Sun mentioned that law enforcement would get involved if the offer was not accepted within a specified timeframe.
  • Investigation: As of the last update, investigations into the hack were ongoing, with efforts to understand the full scope and methodology of the attack.

Significance of the Incident

This incident underscores the vulnerability of cryptocurrency exchanges to cyberattacks. It highlights the importance of robust security measures in the digital asset industry. The hack of Poloniex serves as a reminder of the risks associated with cryptocurrency investments and the need for continuous vigilance in the sector.

The response by Justin Sun and Poloniex, particularly the reimbursement promise and the white hat bounty offer, demonstrates an attempt to manage the situation responsibly. However, it also raises questions about the effectiveness of current security protocols in protecting digital assets against sophisticated cyber threats.


The hacking of Poloniex, resulting in the loss of over $100 million, marks a significant event in the cryptocurrency world. It not only reflects the ongoing security challenges faced by digital asset exchanges but also underscores the need for improved cybersecurity measures and responsible management in the face of such breaches​​​​​​​​​​.

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