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Daily Business Society

Service Excess: The Cost of Rising Customer Expectations

The rise in service expectations among customers has become a noteworthy trend, with profound implications for businesses. The quality of customer service is now a pivotal factor that can determine the success or failure of a company. The Gladly 2018 Customer Service Expectations Survey highlighted that customer service quality is crucial, with rising expectations that can make or break a business.

This trend is driven by the digital age’s emphasis on speed and efficiency, where 67% of individuals with high service expectations demand faster customer service, influenced by instant gratification trends like one-click purchases and instant messaging. Customers not only want quick responses but also seek personalized experiences and the ability to find solutions independently through self-help options, reflecting a broader trend of raised expectations in customer service channels.

The post-pandemic environment has further escalated these expectations, with 58% of consumers reporting higher customer service expectations than the previous year, while support teams have observed an uptick in queries, underscoring the increased demand on customer services.

However, these elevated expectations come at a cost. While exceptional service can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, with 96% more likely to revisit a brand, the flip side reveals a harsh reality. In the U.S., businesses lose an estimated $62 billion annually due to poor customer service, and 91% of dissatisfied customers will leave a brand without voicing their complaints, a phenomenon known as ‘quiet abandonment’.

The increasing pressure from rising customer expectations is also making the work of service agents more challenging, as they deal with higher call volumes, complex processes, and more demanding customer inquiries, sometimes making their job as difficult or more so than in previous years.

These trends indicate that the escalation of service expectations can have both beneficial and detrimental effects on businesses. While aiming to meet and exceed these expectations can foster customer loyalty and success, there is a point where the pressure to provide ever-increasing levels of service can become unsustainable, potentially leading to customer service quality issues, employee burnout, and financial losses. This suggests that businesses must find a balance between improving customer service and managing expectations to maintain a sustainable operation.

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