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We, DeepSheep UG, Iburger Str. 53-55, DE-49082 Osnabrueck (hereinafter referred to as "provider") take the protection of your personal data very seriously and adhere strictly to the rules of data protection laws. Personal data is only collected on this website to the extent that is technically necessary. Under no circumstances will the data collected be sold or passed on to third parties for any other reason.

The following declaration gives you an overview of how we guarantee this protection and what kind of data is collected for what purpose.

Scope of application

This data protection declaration applies to all personal data processed by us in the company and to all personal data processed by companies commissioned by us (contract processors). By personal data we mean information within the meaning of Art. 4 No. 1 GDPR such as the name, email address and postal address of a person. The processing of personal data ensures that we can offer and invoice our services and products, be it online or offline. The scope of this data protection declaration includes:
- all online presences (websites, online shops) that we operate
- Social media presence and email communication
- mobile apps for smartphones and other devices
In short: The data protection declaration applies to all areas in which personal data is processed in a structured manner in the company via the channels mentioned. If we enter into legal relationships with you outside of these channels, we will inform you separately if necessary.

TLS encryption with https

TLS, encryption and https sound very technical and they are. We use HTTPS (the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure stands for "secure hypertext transfer protocol") to transfer data securely on the Internet. This means that the complete transmission of all data from your browser to our web server is secured - nobody can "overhear".
We have thus introduced an additional security layer and comply with data protection through technology design Article 25 (1) GDPR). By using TLS (Transport Layer Security), an encryption protocol for secure data transmission on the Internet, we can ensure the protection of confidential data. You can recognize the use of this protection of data transmission by the small lock symbol in the top left of the browser, to the left of the Internet address and the use of the https scheme (instead of http) as part of our Internet address. If you want to know more about encryption, we recommend doing a Google search for "Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure wiki" for good links to further information.

Paidmails and newsletter processing

If you become a subscriber to our paidmails or newsletters via our website, you confirm your membership in an e-mail list by e-mail. In addition to the IP address and e-mail address, you can also Your title, your name, your address and your telephone number will be saved. However, only if you agree to this data storage. The data marked as such are necessary so that you can participate in the service offered. The information is voluntary, but failure to provide information means that you cannot use the service. In addition, information about your device or your preferred content can also be saved on our website. You can find out more about how data is stored when you visit a website in the section "Automatic data storage".

PayPal Privacy Policy

We use the online payment service PayPal on our website. The service provider is the American company PayPal Inc. The company PayPal Europe (S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg) is responsible for the European region. You can find out more about the data processed by PayPal in the Privacy Policy on .

What is reCAPTCHA?

Our primary goal is to secure and protect our website for you and for us in the best possible way. To ensure this, we use Google reCAPTCHA from Google Inc. For the European area, Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Ireland) is responsible for all Google services. With reCAPTCHA we can determine whether you are really a flesh and blood human and not a robot or other spam software. We understand spam as any unsolicited information that comes to us electronically. With the classic CAPTCHAS, you mostly had to solve text or picture puzzles to check. With reCAPTCHA from Google, we usually don't have to bother you with such puzzles. In most cases, it is sufficient to simply tick the box and confirm that you are not a bot. With the new Invisible reCAPTCHA version you don't even have to check the box anymore. You can find out exactly how this works and, above all, which data is used for it in the course of this data protection declaration reCAPTCHA is a free captcha service from Google that protects websites from spam software and abuse by non-human visitors. The most common use of this service is when filling out forms on the Internet. A captcha service is a type of automatic Turing test that is designed to ensure that an action on the Internet is carried out by a human and not a bot. In the classic Turing test (named after the computer scientist Alan Turing), a person determines the distinction between bot and human. With captchas, this is also done by the computer or a software program. Classic captchas work with small tasks that are easy for humans to solve, but are very difficult for machines. With reCAPTCHA you no longer have to actively solve puzzles. The tool uses modern risk techniques to distinguish people from bots. Here you only have to tick the text field "I am not a robot" or with Invisible reCAPTCHA even this is no longer necessary. With reCAPTCHA, a JavaScript element is integrated into the source text and then the tool runs in the background and analyzes your user behavior. The software calculates a so-called captcha score from these user actions. Google uses this score to calculate the probability that you are human before entering the captcha. reCAPTCHA or Captchas in general are always used when bots could manipulate or abuse certain actions (such as registrations, surfbar etc.).

Why do we use reCAPTCHA on our website?

We only want to welcome people of flesh and blood to our side. Bots or spam software of all kinds can safely stay at home. That is why we do all we can to protect ourselves and offer you the best possible user-friendliness. For this reason we use Google reCAPTCHA from Google. So we can be pretty sure that we will remain a "bot-free" website. By using reCAPTCHA, data is transmitted to Google in order to determine whether you are really human. reCAPTCHA therefore serves the security of our website and consequently also your security. For example, without reCAPTCHA, it could happen that a bot registers as many email addresses as possible in order to "spam" on forums or blogs with unwanted advertising content. With reCAPTCHA we can avoid such bot attacks.

Which data is stored by reCAPTCHA?

reCAPTCHA collects personal data from users in order to determine whether the actions on our website really originate from people. So the IP address and other data that Google needs for the reCAPTCHA service can be sent to Google. IP addresses are almost always shortened beforehand within the member states of the EU or other signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area before the data ends up on a server in the USA. The IP address will not be combined with other Google data unless you are logged into your Google account while using reCAPTCHA. First, the reCAPTCHA algorithm checks whether Google cookies from other Google services (YouTube, Gmail, etc.) have already been placed on your browser. ReCAPTCHA then sets an additional cookie in your browser and takes a snapshot of your browser window.
The following list of collected browser and user data does not claim to be exhaustive. Rather, they are examples of data that, to our knowledge, are processed by Google.
Referrer URL (the address of the page from which the visitor comes)
IP address (e.g.
Information about the operating system (the software that enables the operation of your computer. Known operating systems are Windows, Mac OS X or Linux)
Cookies (small text files that save data in your browser)
Mouse and keyboard behavior (every action you perform with the mouse or keyboard is saved)
Date and language settings (which language or which date you have preset on your PC is saved)
All Javascript objects (JavaScript is a programming language that enables websites to adapt to the user. JavaScript objects can collect all possible data under one name)
Screen resolution (shows how many pixels the picture consists of)
It is undisputed that Google uses and analyzes this data even before you click the "I'm not a robot" tick. With the Invisible reCAPTCHA version, there is even no ticking and the entire recognition process runs in the background. How much and which data Google stores exactly cannot be found out from Google in detail.
The following cookies are used by reCAPTCHA: Here we refer to the reCAPTCHA demo version from Google under All of these cookies require a unique identifier for tracking purposes. Here is a list of cookies that Google reCAPTCHA has set on the demo version:

Name: IDE
Value: WqTUmlnmv_qXyi_DGNPLESKnRNrpgXoy1K-pAZtAkMbHI-311285420-8
Purpose: This cookie is set by the DoubleClick company (also owned by Google) to register and report the actions of a user on the website when dealing with advertisements. In this way, the effectiveness of the advertising can be measured and appropriate optimization measures can be taken. IDE is stored in browsers under the domain
Expiry date: after one year

Name: 1P_JAR
Value: 2019-5-14-12
Purpose: This cookie collects statistics on website usage and measures conversions. A conversion occurs, for example, when a user becomes a buyer. The cookie is also used to show relevant advertisements to users. The cookie can also be used to prevent a user from seeing the same ad more than once.
Expiry date: after one month

Name: ANID
Value: U7j1v3dZa3112854200xgZFmiqWppRWKOr
Purpose: We could not find out much information about this cookie. In Google's privacy policy, the cookie is used in connection with "advertising cookies" such. B. "DSID", "FLC", "AID", "TAID" mentioned. ANID is stored under the domain
Expiry date: after 9 months

Value: YES + + 20150628-20-0
Purpose: The cookie stores the status of a user's consent to the use of various Google services. CONSENT is also used for security in order to check users, prevent fraudulent login information and protect user data from unauthorized attacks.
Expiry date: after 19 years

Name: NID
Value: 0WmuWqy311285420zILzqV_nmt3sDXwPeM5Q
Purpose: NID is used by Google to adapt advertisements to your Google search. With the help of the cookie, Google "remembers" your most frequently entered search queries or your previous interaction with ads. So you always get customized advertisements. The cookie contains a unique ID in order to collect personal settings of the user for advertising purposes.
Expiry date: after 6 months

Name: DV
Value: gEAABBCjJMXcI0dSAAAANbqc311285420-4
Purpose: As soon as you have ticked the "I am not a robot" checkbox, this cookie will be set. The cookie is used by Google Analytics for personalized advertising. DV collects information in an anonymous form and is also used to distinguish between users.
Expiry date: after 10 minutes

Note: This list cannot claim to be complete, as experience has shown that Google changes the choice of their cookies again and again.

How long and where will the data be stored?

By inserting reCAPTCHA, your data will be transferred to the Google server. Where exactly this data is stored, Google does not clearly state, even after repeated inquiries. Without having received a confirmation from Google, it can be assumed that data such as mouse interaction, time spent on the website or language settings on the European or American Google Servers. The IP address that your browser transmits to Google is generally not merged with other Google data from other Google services. However, if you are logged into your Google account while using the reCAPTCHA plug-in, the data will be merged. The different data protection regulations of Google apply for this.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

If you do not want any data about you or your behavior to be transmitted to Google, you must completely log out of Google and all Google before you visit our website or use the reCAPTCHA software -Delete cookies. In principle, the data is automatically transmitted to Google as soon as you visit our website. To delete this data again, you must contact Google support at
So if you use our website, you agree that Google LLC and its representatives automatically collect, process and use data.
Please note that when you use this tool, your data can also be stored and processed outside the EU. Most third countries (including the USA) are not considered secure under current European data protection law. Data to insecure third countries may not simply be transferred, stored and processed there unless there are suitable guarantees (such as EU standard contractual clauses) between us and the non-European service provider.

Legal basis

If you have consented that Google reCAPTCHA may be used, the legal basis for the corresponding data processing is this consent. According to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), this consent represents the legal basis for the processing of personal data as it can occur when Google reCAPTCHA collects it.
We also have a legitimate interest in using Google reCAPTCHA to optimize our online service and make it more secure. The corresponding legal basis for this is Article 6 (1) lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests).
You can find out a little more about reCAPTCHA on Google's web developer page at Google goes into the technical development of the reCAPTCHA in more detail here, but you will look in vain for precise information about data storage and data protection issues. A good overview of the basic use of data by Google can be found in the in-house data protection declaration at

Right to information

You always have the right to information about the data stored regarding your person, their origin and recipient as well as the purpose of the data processing. The data protection officer ( can provide information on the stored data.

Right of withdrawal

You also have the right and the option to revoke your consent to the use of cookies or third-party providers at any time. This works either via our cookie management tool or via other opt-out functions. For example, you can also prevent data collection by cookies by managing, deactivating or deleting cookies in your browser. The legality of the processing up to the point of revocation remains unaffected.
Since cookies can be used with online marketing tools, we recommend You can also read our general privacy policy on cookies. In order to find out exactly which data is stored and processed by you, you should read the data protection declarations of the respective tools.

More information

Your trust is important to us. We would therefore like to answer your questions about the processing of your personal data at any time. If you have any questions that this data protection declaration could not answer or if you would like more detailed information on any point, please contact the data protection officer at any time (

Consent to the use of cookies.

For our website to function properly we use cookies. To obtain your valid consent for the use and storage of cookies in the browser you use to access our website and to properly document this we use a consent management platform: CookieFirst. This technology is provided by Digital Data Solutions BV, Plantage Middenlaan 42a, 1018 DH, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Website: referred to as CookieFirst.

When you access our website, a connection is established with CookieFirst’s server to give us the possibility to obtain valid consent from you to the use of certain cookies. CookieFirst then stores a cookie in your browser in order to be able to activate only those cookies to which you have consented and to properly document this. The data processed is stored until the predefined storage period expires or you request to delete the data. Certain mandatory legal storage periods may apply notwithstanding the aforementioned.

CookieFirst is used to obtain the legally required consent for the use of cookies. The legal basis for this is article 6(1)(c) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Data processing agreement

We have concluded a data processing agreement with CookieFirst. This is a contract required by data protection law, which ensures that data of our website visitors is only processed in accordance with our instructions and in compliance with the GDPR.

Server log files

Our website and CookieFirst automatically collect and store information in so-called server log files, which your browser automatically transmits to us. The following data is collected:

  • Your consent status or the withdrawal of consent
  • Your anonymised IP address
  • Information about your Browser
  • Information about your Device
  • The date and time you have visited our website
  • The webpage url where you saved or updated your consent preferences
  • The approximate location of the user that saved their consent preference
  • A universally unique identifier (UUID) of the website visitor that clicked the cookie banner
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Dear user,

at we firmly stand against sanctions imposed on citizens by governments. With the European Union making increasingly questionable decisions and excluding more countries from our payment systems, we are committed to offering alternatives.

In line with our values of freedom and fairness, we still support censorship-free Bitcoin (BTC) payments. If you'd prefer to use other payment methods, our support team is available to assist you anytime.

We believe in peace and self-determination for all people, regardless of borders - because no matter where we're from, we all share the same humanity.

Thank you for your continued trust and support.

Your team ♥

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