2024-02-10 |
📣 Notice: New Credits-to-Klammlose Exchange Rate
Dear user,
due to inflation in Klammlose, we've increased our Credits-to-Klammlose rate to ensure fairness and sustainability on our platform.
We're here to help with any questions or concerns you may have about this adjustment.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Your AdNade.net team |
2024-02-07 |
New lottery numbers!
2 12 18 21 22 |
2024-02-07 |
The Rallye "Weekly Earning Rallye" (Aktiv-Rallye) is finished:
# 1: detchi
# 2: facelesssprit
# 3: venvu
# 4: p4p4l3o
# 5: lai64138
# 6: Motzi_Steffen
# 8: carus58
# 9: alexanderlan
# 10: maipian
# 11: Peleng
# 12: tbxminer
# 13: dragonbol
# 14: Gucky
# 15: Bulli24
# 16: copystring
# 17: mikemaster92
# 18: tditte
# 19: Sergik521
# 20: Mickel
# 21: BigFS1
# 22: Uwe230865
# 23: derlink
# 24: Lutiz
# 25: guillem87
# 26: Play1live
# 27: vasya97
# 28: hogan1337
# 29: paulocsw
# 30: mira19791984
# 31: moneyfire
# 32: pas30
# 33: dimas
# 34: trader79
# 35: jonasbudde
# 36: engageub
# 37: vanco22
# 38: m1tch3l
# 39: dkl2002
# 40: canyoi00
2024-01-31 |
New lottery numbers!
3 4 8 14 19 |
2024-01-31 |
The Rallye "Weekly Earning Rallye" (Aktiv-Rallye) is finished:
# 1: detchi
# 2: mikemaster92
# 3: p4p4l3o
# 4: lai64138
# 5: venvu
# 6: tbxminer
# 7: Constanta40
# 8: facelesssprit
# 9: alexanderlan
# 11: Motzi_Steffen
# 12: hinomoto11
# 13: Ven44
# 14: carus58
# 15: OCeann
# 16: copystring
# 17: Gucky
# 18: paulocsw
# 19: Bulli24
# 20: dragonbol
# 21: Mickel
# 22: hogan1337
# 23: derlink
# 24: BigFS1
# 25: Peleng
# 26: Chrisano
# 27: Sunny99
# 28: m1tch3l
# 29: carnok
# 30: vasya97
# 31: guillem87
# 32: pas30
# 33: mira19791984
# 34: engageub
# 35: Uwe230865
# 36: dkl2002
# 37: Mathias81
# 38: elpicaro
# 39: moneyfire
# 40: Sergik521
2024-01-25 |
📣 Important Update: Wallet Provider Change
Dear user,
We're switching our wallet provider from Atomic Wallet due to ongoing BTC transaction issues, including prolonged blockchain stuck times. Our new provider not only resolves these problems but also promises future support for Bitcoin Lightning.
Apologies to users facing delays; your transactions will be confirmed once blockchain fees decrease. To facilitate the transition, we'll have a brief maintenance period. All pending payments will be processed in BTC by Monday, January 29, or possibly earlier.
For support or questions, contact us.
Thank you for your understanding.
Your AdNade.net team |
2024-01-24 |
New lottery numbers!
9 10 15 22 24 |
2024-01-24 |
The Rallye "Weekly Earning Rallye" (Aktiv-Rallye) is finished:
# 1: detchi
# 2: alexanderlan
# 3: lai64138
# 5: tbxminer
# 6: carus58
# 7: Constanta40
# 8: Uwe230865
# 9: Mickel
# 10: Gucky
# 11: Peleng
# 12: Ven44
# 13: dragonbol
# 14: BigFS1
# 15: juergen
# 16: beijing
# 17: copystring
# 18: m1tch3l
# 19: pas30
# 20: mira19791984
# 21: werberlos
# 22: frechdax
# 23: guillem87
# 24: mikemaster92
# 25: trick11
# 26: facelesssprit
# 27: dkl2002
# 28: elpicaro
# 29: Levty001
# 30: Sabrina72
# 31: Kerkermeister
# 32: Nina
# 33: Wirbelwind
# 34: Powerflower
# 35: 2pac
# 36: venvu
# 37: mire501
# 38: Jumperbillijumper
# 39: lunifrw
# 40: eternal
2024-01-17 |
New lottery numbers!
1 10 11 12 14 |
2024-01-17 |
The Rallye "Weekly Earning Rallye" (Aktiv-Rallye) is finished:
# 1: detchi
# 2: alexanderlan
# 4: lai64138
# 5: facelesssprit
# 6: Camboking
# 7: Gucky
# 8: tbxminer
# 9: wr841n9
# 10: dragonbol
# 11: copystring
# 12: mira19791984
# 13: headshot
# 14: m_hap
# 15: denasu10
# 16: Mickel
# 17: dkl2002
# 18: BigFS1
# 19: Constanta40
# 20: werberlos
# 21: Peleng
# 22: guillem87
# 23: carus58
# 24: pogba
# 25: juergen
# 26: rahmatneo
# 27: bambang
# 28: DJMKey
# 29: Uwe230865
# 30: pas30
# 31: frechdax
# 32: Powerflower
# 33: farhanmuliadi93
# 34: 2pac
# 35: elpicaro
# 36: Wirbelwind
# 37: Sabrina72
# 38: mire501
# 39: Ssmidge
# 40: BusinessPartner